Hello Readers and Happy New Year!
I wanted to take this time to make my first post of the year. It's been a while since I posted last, a few months to be exact. Sometimes it's hard for me to post and other times I really want to and can't find the words.
Last year was a very difficult and sad year for me. My little boy was fighting cancer and sadly he didn't win the fight and died. On September 15, he traded in his superhero cape for some beautiful new angel wings. I know that he isn't sick anymore and he doesn't have cancer anymore, but my heart is still very sad because I don't have him with me. Being so sad because I miss him made it very hard for me to write.
I decided this year that I was going to try to write again because he loved it when I wrote to my readers. He was even helping me write my new book! I haven't worked on it since he died but now I am really going to try to finish it, especially for him.
Being sad can really make us not want to do a lot of things. It makes us cry a lot, we like to sleep a lot, we don't want to play, we don't want to talk to our friends. It's very hard to do those things when you don't feel happy inside. That's how I have been feeling since Axel died. Very sad inside and not wanting to do anything.
I thought about all my readers, whether young or old and decided that I was going to write. Do you know why? Because writing makes me happy. Being happy is so much better than being sad. I know that my sadness will never go away because I will miss him forever, but if I write, I will feel some happiness inside too so perhaps that will make it easier for me to do the things I love to do.
I don't know if any of you have ever lost anyone that you love as much as I love Axel but if you did, its OK to feel sad. You will always feel sad because you miss that person but it's OK to feel happy too. Being happy is important because smiling makes you feel good inside. It makes other people smile when you smile and then it makes THEM feel good inside. Being happy is like a yawn. Once you start, everyone else does it too!
So I'm sorry that I've been away. I'm going to try very hard to make sure I write something often and I'm going to work very hard on my next book. I'm going to do it for Axel because I know that it would have made him very happy for me to finish my book, and that makes me very happy inside.
No matter what, it's just important that you do what you want to do. While sometimes it may be hard because of things you are feeling, remember that they are your feelings and you can keep them, you can change them and you can share them. Just try to share the good ones! 😎
Until the next time I leave you with this special thought from my idol, Dr. Seuss:
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
Go be yourself and be happy!
Happy Reading!
Mrs. Fizzywiggle
Mrs. Fizzywiggle

Hello there! My name is Mrs. Fizzywiggle and I would like to thank you very much for coming! I hope you enjoy reading what I've posted so far. I just love to write things for you to read! Do you know what I especially love? When you tell me how much you enjoyed reading today! I've been writing little poems and stories for children since I was a young child. Do you know why? Because I loved to read books from my favorite author. Dr. Seuss!
I know that some of my writing is not as silly as his, but i'm sure that you will enjoy it just the same!
Please be sure to let me know what you think and Happy Reading!
Mrs. Fizzywiggle
A Note To Parents
Welcome to my Just for Kids blog!
Since my writing began at a very early age, I kept everything as it was written, ridiculous or not. I wanted the essence of the moment, age, and the progression through the years to be present to my readers, both children and parents.
Now that my children are grown and I have a grandchild, my writing has taken on a new meaning: Bring back to our children what they are losing - the written word. Stimulate their imaginations with words. Encourage them to create pictures in their minds of the characters I create as they travel on their
Since my writing began at a very early age, I kept everything as it was written, ridiculous or not. I wanted the essence of the moment, age, and the progression through the years to be present to my readers, both children and parents.
Now that my children are grown and I have a grandchild, my writing has taken on a new meaning: Bring back to our children what they are losing - the written word. Stimulate their imaginations with words. Encourage them to create pictures in their minds of the characters I create as they travel on their
journeys. Jump in the book and take the journey with them.
The stories that I post on this site are what I like to call teasers or excerpts from my yet-to-be
The stories that I post on this site are what I like to call teasers or excerpts from my yet-to-be
published books. I am hoping that in the near future, I will be able to provide you with links to
purchase the complete stories so that you and your child/children can enjoy them many times.
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